The number of tourists visiting Mongolia was topped by China and followed by Korea.
admin Sep 25, 2019The number of tourists arriving in Mongolia has reached 215,780 in the first half of 2019 and increased by 6.48% from the same period of the last year. The Ministry of Nature, Environment, and Tourism noted: as of July 2019, a total of 108,755 foreigners have arrived in Mongolia, of which 99,321 or 91.3% were tourists. Compared to the same period from the last year, it was an indicator that the number of tourists was increased by 18,632 or 23.1%.
More specifically, the most or 58,073 tourists arrived from Asia and the Pacific and the least or 388 tourists were from the Middle East. Looking at the growth of tourists coming to Mongolia by country, the number of tourists from Italy and Hong Kong was increased. Whereas, the number of tourists from the People’s Republic of China (24,736) and the Republic of Korea (24,585) is the highest, with tourists from Australia and Switzerland are declining.