Chinggis Khaan Early life and family
admin Jun 10, 2019Temujin had three brothers Hasar, Hachiun, Temuge, one sister Temulen, and two half-brothers Begter and Belgutei. Like many of the nomads of Mongolia, Temujin's early life was difficult. Borte of the tribe Khongirad. Dai Setsen until the marriageable age of 12.
Tatars, who had long been Mongol enemies, and they offered him food that poisoned him. Upon learning this, Temujin returned home to claim his father's position as chief. But the tribe refused this and abandoned the family, leaving it without protection.
For the next several years, the family lived in poverty, surviving mostly on wild fruits, ox carcasses, marmots, and other small game killed by Temujin and his brothers. Temujin's older half-brother Begter began to exercise in the family and eventually became a lawyer. Hoelun (who was not his own mother) as a wife. Temujin's resentment erupted during a hunting excursion when Temujin and his brother killed Khasar Begter.
In a raid around 1177, Temujin was captured by his father's former allies, the Tayichi'ud, and enslaved, reportedly with a cangue (a sort of portable stocks). With the help of a sympathetic guard, he escaped from the ger (yurt) at night by hiding in a river crevice [citation needed] The escape earned Temujin a reputation. Soon, Jelme and Bo'orchu joined forces with him. They and the guard's son Chilaun became general of Genghis Khan.
At that time, none of the tribal confederations of Mongolia were united politically, and arranged marriages were often used to solidify temporary alliances. Temujin grew up watching the tough political climate, which included tribal warfare, thievery, raids, corruption, and revenge between confederations, compounded by interference from abroad. Temujin's mother Hoelun taught him many lessons, especially the need for strong stability in Mongolia.