The swans 60 million years ago
admin Apr 24, 2019In Mongolia found the remains of giant swans that lived 60 million years ago - Naranbulagornis Khun
This is essentially a new large Anseriformes bird from the late Paleocene, which was the size of a modern swan.
The remains of a distant ancestor of modern swans and geese that lived during the Paleocene (65 to 56 million years ago) were found among the findings of an international expedition to Mongolia.
The new species is the first and only representative of the new genus Naranbulagornis. It got its name - Narakagagnis khun - in the village of Naran-Bulag in southern Mongolia (translated from Mongolian, Naran-Bulag means "sun source", Hung - "swan").
Fragments of bones found in the sand and gravel horizons of two locations six kilometers apart: Naran-Bulag and Tsagaan-Hushuu. In addition to fossil birds, there are remnants of fish, reptiles and mammals.